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Thursday 18 February 2016

How do we revive a dying culture?

A colleague told me recently that whenever he visits the United States of America or Great Britain, he makes it a point of duty observing people on public transport. His over three year’s observation resulted in his conclusion that “blacks don’t read.”  His observation ofnon-blacks is that “they often bury their heads in books while the blacks fiddle with their phones.”

“Books,” write Charles W. Elio “are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. Nigeria’s celebrated writer, Chimamanda Adichie’s opinion was once sought about one of her books turned into a movie. Her response: “I prefer the book because reading is active while watching a movie is passive.”

When the “Bring Back the Book Campaign” was launched with fanfare in Lagos in December 2010 most Nigerians rallied round former President Goodluck Jonathan who appeared to be bent on halting the disdain that – many people believe – the typical Nigerian leader has for books and other intellectual materials.
To convince Nigerians that the campaign was not a political fluke aimed at scoring cheap publicity and endorsement for his regime, Jonathan secured the confidence of the Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka, and other leading lights in the sector for the cause to revitalise the book industry and our reading culture.
At the inauguration of the project, Jonathan and Soyinka read passages from some books to pupils and other lovers of books. It was a spectacle of cultural, musical and oratorical performances, all for the sake of the book.

Spearheaded by the late Special Adviser to the former President on Policy and Strategy, Oronto Douglas, the campaign generated hope and won more converts for the book. But it all appeared a flash in the pan as interests dwindled after theeuphoria generated by the launch died down.

These two events – and many others–point to the very low reading culture in the country, a culture that others have successfully used to their benefits because of the values books and reading brings. Important as reading is, why are Nigerians not reading? I really don’t know. As a result, the ratio of students who can read and effectively communicate is dwindling every year.

Reading has at all times and in all ages been a great source of knowledge. Just as out bodies need appropriate amounts of food and exercise to function properly, so do our minds, it too needsexercise. Reading provides the mind with the ‘food’ and exercise it needs to be sharp and efficient. It strengthens the muscles of the mind.

Reading skills are essential to succeed in society. Those who are good readers tend to exhibit progressive social skills. A person who is widely read is able to mix with others. He is a better conversationalist then those who do not read. Reading broadens the vision and acts as a substitute for travel. It may not be possible to travel as much one would like,but reading can fill in the gap created by the lack of travel.

Having confidence in reading only comes from the daily practice of reading. A good reader can interact with others in a far better way because reading has widened his vision and point of view. Researchers have found that there is a strong correlation between reading and academic success. A student who is a good reader is more likely to do well in school and pass exams than a student who is a weak reader. Good readers can extract from the writing what is important for the particular task they are employed in and they can do it quickly.

There is also a strong correlation between reading and vocabulary knowledge. Individuals who have large vocabulary are usually good readers. This isn’t surprising since the best way to acquire large vocabulary is to read extensively and if you read extensively you’re likely to be or become a good reader. Most good readers have also been found to be good writers as well.

Books are no doubt very faithful friend of a reader. They never betray but accompany the reader, either sitting alone or traveling. They soothe and relieve tension and loneliness. Some medical expertssay reading plays a vital role in checking depression and anxiety. It has been said that even if you don’t go to school, reading can broaden your horizons and teach you things.

We live in a rapidly advancing world where everything is moving so fast that keeping pace is sometimes daunting. However, with books we can substantially bridge the gap as reading can make a stagnant, barren mind rich and ‘cultivatable’ by pouring rich thoughts into our minds; this ends upbringing the best out of someone. Reading also helps one to see the present in relation to the past and the future therebyhelping individuals develop historical perspectives to issues.

This perspective is often brought into focus through education which, to me, is far more than the marks we receive in school. It’s about understanding right from wrong and having the knowledge we need to stay afloat in today’s society. It helps to further develop our perspective in the world around and pushes us to think both creatively and conceptually about different subjects.

Some people stop reading the moment they leave school. But in the world we play,many employers are looking for employees who develop themselves and know beyond what they are taught in school. This is the reason why most job interviews today are done unconventionally. It is only those who know this that can prepare for it.

Over the years, I have also discovered that reading helps people grow as individuals. It opens our minds to many things that we may not have been exposed to before. Through it we know different cultures, religions and thought processes that we may never be exposed to otherwise. How would one – for instance – have known about the ‘untouchables,’ (160 m people tainted by their birth into a caste system that deems them impure and less than human) of India without reading?

I equally spend a decent amount of time reading about technological and scientific advancements, and most of it never fails to blow my mind. From Google Glass to burst of 3D printing machines that are popping up and creating everything from human organs, edible food to e-cigarettes one wouldn’t know all these if one is not such a voracious reader.

Reading someone’s thoughts or composing your own is an entirely different experience than speaking to people. When you read you can talk back to the writers as they are ‘speaking’ without really‘interrupting’ them. You can stop and highlight passages you find thought provoking or troublesome. Reading also allows for communication between people who have never or will never meet.

Reading is also an art. It is more than just comprehending words on paper. It is an interactive and lively experience for the imagination and a respite for the soul. Characters and story plots come alive in the mind. An entire world can be created simply by letting the imagination digest the language. It lets one enjoy the world around, through personal experiences and point of view.

All memories and senses are awake when reading and yet while the outside world is still, the mind and imagination run wild. Reading gives temporary reprieve from the pressures of life and creates a new identity and a new environment. It is about learning. New ideas and opinions are introduced. Theories are proven or disproved. It is discovery in its most basic element.

Finally, through reading we understand how the late Lee Kuan Yew transformed Singapore from a third to a first world nation. We also discover, through books, the secrets on how Dubai and other cities in the UAE were transformed from a desert to a choice tourism location.
Let’s race against time to revive this dying culture.

 By: Agbo Agb

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