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Monday 12 October 2015


Dr. Ogunlade C. E., Fakeye Saheed A.
07068455265 08082764210

}  Tourism is identified as an effective way to revitalize the economy of any destination
}  The continuous and rapid growth of tourism is not in isolation of the stable economic growth experienced in the global economy.
}  Thus, tourism has become a major source of economic growth, employment, earnings, and foreign exchange for many countries and considered by developing countries as a main source of development and growth for local economies
}  As Nigeria not getting its tourism sector right, tourism still serve as an employer of labour.
}  Tourism has been discovered to be a very important instrument to eradicate poverty and sustainable development..
}  Moreover, traveling is one of the most ancient and common aspects of human life
}  There are various reasons for travelling such as recreation, business, sport, education, health, or visiting friends, so everyone is a tourist.
}  Thus, there is no doubt that tourism can make an effective contribution to economic development but the challenge is to develop the sector sustainably to maximize is full potentials
}  Tourism thus involves many stake-holder
}  All stake-holder need to derive benefits from tourism to be truly successful.
}  In 2006, the Nigerian Government instituted a new set of reforms in the tourism industry with the aid of the United Nations Development.
}  This led to the creation of the “Nigeria Tourism Master Plan”.
}  Shamefully, Nine years after the master plan had been drawn, the commentary on Nigeria’s tourism industry will probably be worse.
}  Though there has been a major influx of global hotel brands into Nigeria in the last eight years, especially in Lagos, the commercial capital of Nigeria
Nigeria has huge untapped tourism potentials,
}  Why our tourism potentials are untapped?
}  Why are the communities of these potentials are not aware of is importance?
}  Why are adequate infrastructures not put in place to embellish these potentials?
}  Why can’t government participate in private public partnership in developing touristic potential as a full blown tourist destination?
}  What will be the economic impact of the development of the potentials in those communities?
}  What is the likely socio-cultural impact of the development of tourism potentials?
}  Document reasons for the challenges we have in the industry
The objectives of the study are to identify the challenges the stakeholder of the industry is having;
}  Our tourism institutions
}  Tourism graduates and students
}  The host communities
}  The Government
}  The stakeholder that could see to the development of those potentials and how they can best be sustainable for the Industry
}  Most previous works have focused on government and not considering other stakeholders in concern.
}  The major significance of this study therefore, is to contribute to ongoing work to the development of tourism industry in Nigeria.
}  Previous studies on competency literature either focused only on one particular arm in the industry, HOSPITALITY and not tourism in general, leaving the comparison of the relevant competences in the industry.

}  In most of the twenty three universities offering Hospitality and Tourism related courses, there seems to be crisis of identity in terms of which departments should handle course, while some are found in;
}  Forestry
}  Zoological,
}  Biology
}  Geography
}  Archaeology
}  Home economics
}  Most annoying family nutrition.
}  Unorganized arrangement is the quality of the program will likely suffer certain degree of inadequacies
}  Most of the courses introduced to form part of the overall syllabus hardly have impact in the overall objective of the program and end up with Jack Of All Trades And Master Of None.
}  It implies that the challenges facing the industry today can only be met by
}  educated, well educated,
}  Trained energetic entrepreneurial workforce who understands the nature of hospitality and tourism with sound professional training background.
}  Analysis of the population of the study
}  Sample design:  Capacity building
}  Research instrument: Total number of institutions offering hospitality and tourism courses
}  Validity and reliability the instrument
}  Data Analysis Technique position and crisis identity
}  Most of the institutions in Nigeria do not put appropriate mechanism in place
}  The manpower being supplied by the institutions offering Hospitality and Tourism program in the country are not totally relevant in the scheme of things with the industry.
}  The institutions are emplacing basic and craftsmanship, as the backbone of the profession, base on the curriculum being used for the program

From the table above, 81.9% of the Lecturers are competent in teaching the courses, while the remaining 28.4% of the educators  do not have relevant qualification in teaching courses. This therefore implies that most academic staff (lecturers) employed by this  4 year university are not qualified to teach this courses. This means that the diffusion of leadership competency in 4 year university  program gaining ground in Nigeria which further makes the teaching and using of uniform program for related materials easy to administer in the University.
63% of the Lecturers found different curriculum being used in university system quite challenging while 47.3% found it very easy with time after training in the relevant program.
}  Tourism is highly competitive industry and the graduates/students are not looking for engaging in it, due to the lack of interest that was not built in school and knowledge
}  It is cleared that 3 out of 10 truly put in for courses in the industry and very little developed the interest in the process of the program.
}  The graduates are clouded with doubts about what the future holds for them in the industry, tourism is a multi-sectored industry which cut across engineering, architectural, historian, ICT, commerce etc, graduates/students are not looking into how sectors can be of chance to be self development and employment
}  Communities are one the challenges the industry is facing, most of these communities that has one or more attractions do not read meaning to what they have and the knowledge to create enabling environment for tourist some preaches fetish and scary stories in the process propagating for the attraction.
}  Tourism may have many different effects on the social and cultural aspects of life in a particular region or area, depending on the cultural and religious strengths of that region.
}  The interaction between tourists and the host community can be one of the factors that may affect a community as tourists may not be sensitive to local customs, traditions and standards. The effect can be positive or negative on the host community

}  Local communities can mix with people from diverse backgrounds with different lifestyles which through ‘demonstration effect’ may lead to the development of improved lifestyles and practices from the tourists’ examples;
}  There can be an improvement in local life through better local facilities and infrastructure which could lead to better education, health care, employment opportunities and income;
}  More cultural and social events available for local people such as entertainment, exhibitions etc.
}  Improved sports and leisure facilities created for the tourists which local people may use, particularly out of the tourist season;
}  Conservation of the local cultural heritage of an area and rebirth of its crafts, architectural traditions and ancestral heritage;
}  Urban areas which may be in decline can be revived and the movement of people from rural areas to urban areas for employment may be reversed as jobs will be available in the tourism industry;
}  Tourism as we know it has become the noblest instrument of this centaury for achieving understanding but our government not contributing to the development of the industry because of the heavy flowing oil money and it is difficult for them to think towards an alternative industry that can eradicate poverty completely in our country.
}  The oil money makes it difficult for government to explore other sector because of corruption, lack of wisdom, proper vision and patriotism.
}  Nigeria with lot of ethnic diversities has more than abundant tourism potentials, endowment and attractions that will promote our economic beyond expectations.
}  Tourism’s interconnection of people and their environment means that long-term survival depends on sustainable tourism developments that foster healthy and vibrant natural originality and cultural environments.
}  Coordinated action between different arms of this industry allows for more successful tourism planning, management, marketing, product development, training and education.
}  Partnership of all the concerns is the core of sustainability of tourism in Nigeria.
}  Sustainable tourism development involves an integrated whole of community approach (not just the government) for tourism sustainable planning that will make the industry overcome her challenges.
The stakeholders/association should embark on;
}  Policy and Planning
}  Predictive Modeling
}  Performance Monitoring
}  Performance Improvement
}  Performance Reporting.
}  Institutions should embark on unified curriculum that suite the industry and  continued training and retraining of lecturers/Instructors/Technologists to update should be encouraged, and there should be communication for those in the industry and the universities to discuss current issues in hospitality training and education that can develop current and future manager to develop or increase competency skills needed
}  Career development for grandaunts’ should be made to capture self realization within practical skill as it is been done in developed world where graduates of Hospitality and Tourism could be Hotels Sales and Marketing Manager, Hotel Accountant, Accommodation Manager or Room Division Director, Human Resource Manager.
}  More emphasis should be given to core courses in   Hospitality and tourism need to be clearly identified and properly located in more relevant departments of Nigerian tertiary institution to permit professional touch in career development by competent hands.
}  Hospitality and Tourism in Nigeria should emphasis on theoretical aspect of learning but with more of practical work for students
}  The program needs to have strong operational base with managerial capability
}  Destination communities to see to the beauty and be sanitize on the potentials wasting away in their environment and what individual can do to promote the potentials that belongs to them
}  Government should see to tourism development because of the benefits that is involve in eradicating poverty for the best of the environment
}  Government should stop politicking in tourism key professional post that is given to a politician.


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