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Wednesday 17 February 2016

Travel Cuisine: 5 Snacks you can only find in Nigeria


Nigeria is a haven for anyone seeking to explore gastronomic delights. Each community within the nation offers its own unique delicacies which you will find nowhere else – not even in restaurants! These food and snacks are different from rest of the world not only in taste but also in cooking methods as they reflect a perfect blend of cultures and histories.

Just as the culture, snacks in Nigeria has had its fair share of western influences. However, there are some that remain originally unique to the country.

A favourite Nigerian snack originated from the Hausa people of Northern regions of the country, Kuli-Kuli is  primarily made from peanuts. The process of making this snack is such that peanuts are roasted and then ground into a paste called Labu, then mixed with spices, salt, and sometimes ground pepper. The paste is further stripped of excess oil, made into the desired shape then fried until it solidifies. While the snack is often eaten alone, it can be paired with a mixture of garri (cassava), sugar and water. It is often also ground and used as an ingredient for Suya and Kilishi.

A common crunchy snack consumed in the western parts of Nigeria, Kokoro is a found only in Nigeria. The snack is made from a paste of maize flour mixed with sugar and gari (cassava) or yam flour which is deep-fried in either groundnut or palm oil. Two kinds of the kokoro are sold in the local markets :the Crunchy plain type and the Crunchy Spicy type. The difference is noted in in shape and taste.

Kilishi ,also known as the Nigerian beef jerky, is one of the  most loved meat delicacies derived either from beef, mutton or chevon,  and it is common among Hausa people in Northern Nigeria. Kilishi is prepared by slicing lean meat into thin sheets which are sun dried on a raised wooden table covered in rush matting for about four hours. The dried sheets of meat are then immersed in “Labu”, a slurry of groundnut and seasonings including sugar, salt and paper. After being immersed in the Labu, the meat is returned to the rush matting to dry in the sun for a further five to twelve hours. The final product is finally roasted briefly over fire, and can be kept for months without much change to its taste.  
chin chin nigerian chin chin

Nigerian Chin Chin
A crunchy deep-fried snack that originated from Nigeria and very popular around the country, Chin Chin is an ideal snack for periods you feel puckish or just light refreshment. The snack is very easy to make as it does not require baking or grilling. It is made from basic combination of flour, milk and sugar with optional ingredients like egg, baking powder and nutmeg. It can be made hard or crunchy and can last for weeks if stored in an airtight container.

Kpekere is the pidgin lingo for fried unripe plantain, a Nigerian snack found in almost every part of the country, mostly sold by street vendors and hawkers. It is also known as Igbekere by the Yoruba tribe of Western Nigerian. Kpekere is the simplest plantain recipe to try and it can be made in varieties : crunchy, salty, spicy or sweet. To prepare this snack, all you need to do is peel unripe plantain and slice as thin as possible;  then Sprinkle some salt and pepper and mix together; heat a pan of vegetable oil, adding onions for flavor, then fry the slices for about 2-3 minutes.

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