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Wednesday 10 February 2016

Hotel employees reveal the strangest things guests have done

Pie smeared all over the bathroom, sex toys and naked guests in the corridor – these are some of the strangest things hotel workers have discovered on the job.
Anonymous employees have taken to the web to reveal their most shocking or hilarious encounters with some of the oddest guests of all time.

Reddit users were asked to explain ‘the strangest thing you’ve seen guests doing’, with current and former hotel employees admitting to finding human faeces in the lobby, guns, porn shoots, deceased guests and trashed rooms.
Hotel housekeeping staff have been left with the unfortunate task of cleaning up messes left behind by guests

While most guests behave and leave their rooms looking tidy, some are a nightmare and leave staff with a stomach-churning mess to clean up.
In the Reddit thread, a user named ladywug said a guest nicknamed Pie Guy would show up without a reservation and pay cash to cover the nightly rate and $100 damage deposit.

Ladywug added: ‘The next day we would find his bathroom and bathtub full of the remains of several expensive pies.
 ‘He never came back to the desk for his deposit, as he knew he wouldn’t be getting it back. We added his name to our “do not rent” list but he kept coming back and using different names.

‘One time we found a torn up list in his room with the words “pie” and “pants” scribbled over and over again.’
Based on the 2,100 comments on the thread, employees frequently find themselves caught in the middle of a domestic quarrel.
They told tales of cheating partners, arguments and guests who couldn’t stand to sleep in the same room as their significant other.
One Reddit user said a guest left a trail of faeces from the bellman's desk in the lobby to the bathroom
One Reddit user said a guest left a trail of faeces from the bellman's desk in the lobby to the bathroom

On one occasion, a user named greenmouse19 opened the fitness room at 11pm for a woman who they assumed as ‘one of those 24-hour workout people’.
It turns out she was just trying to get away from her husband.
The user added: ‘I went back in around 3am to close it up again, and she has set up a bed for herself on the treadmill. Ended up giving her our last room after she had a fight with her husband and was refusing to sleep with him.’
It’s no surprise that some guests rent hotel rooms to act out their fantasies or do things they normally wouldn’t do at home.
And that has left hotel clerks, housekeepers, managers and bartenders with plenty of sordid tales.

A Reddit user named NukeTheNukes wrote: ‘I used to work at the front desk, and a guy asked if he could use another room to store eleven life size sex dolls.’
Another user, Poodie234, said they walked in on a man and woman having sex after replacing the hotel’s blankets and sheets with ‘Twilight-inspired’ bedding.
User KillerTulip wrote they encountered a couple filming a porn in a hallway.

Hotel employees also detailed the awful messes left behind by rude guests, including some who were banned from returning.
One night, at a $1,500 a night hotel, a guest left a disgusting surprise for staff after drinking tequila and smoking cigars.

A user named Starkeye311 said the man, who claimed to be a hotel critic, left a trail of faeces from the bellman's desk in the lobby to the bathroom, and was given a bill for cleaning the following morning.

A couple once checked into an $800-a-night hotel suite and said they were there ‘to conceive our child in the name of Jesus Christ,’ said a user named booksandboys.
He added: ‘When housekeeping went into the room they had left a mess. All over the room it smelled like rose fragrance oil and it was dripping off the wall.

‘When they looked closer the housekeepers noticed the oil was rubbed on the wall in the shape of a cross. These crosses were streaked all over every wall in the room, the mirror, the tables, the windows, everything you can imagine.

‘If there were any demons in that room, there aren’t now! The oil left a shiny mark on the walls that wouldn’t come off no matter what they tried without trying to strip the paint.’

Another user, dsetech, described one of the oddest guests they encountered.
They wrote: ‘One time she called the front desk and said, "There are bubbles in my toilet. Why are there bubbles in my toilet?"

‘I told her they might have flushed the water pipes. She then says, "Hold on, I'm going to bring some down." I said, "Ma'am, that's really not necessary," but she was already off the line. About five minutes later she comes down the elevator with a wine glass full of clear water.

‘"Well, it was bubbly a minute ago!" I had to walk in the back and beat my head against the wall for a bit.’

Culled from Mail Online

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