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Monday 8 February 2016

5 Essential Travel Safety Tips For Seniors In Nigerians.

There is no age limit to travel. While getting older often means that you may not carry out certain activities with as much gusto as you used to, this should not limit your ability to explore new place. Seniors, whether alone or with their loved ones, can navigate the world of modern travel safely and enjoyably too.

It is advisable to travel more as a senior as you tend to appreciate new destinations and experiences more, however, seeing as you may be much slower in your reflexes, you will need to be careful while globetrotting. If you are in Nigeria and have no clue how to keep safe while on a journey as a senior,, Africa’s no.1 online hotel booking offers five essential travel safety tips.

Pack wisely
The fact that you are advance in age does not mean your packing game should be off-balance. Ensure you pack light and smart. Evading the physical stress that comes with dragging a heavy luggage should be enough to motivate you to pack smarter. Know what clothing would be appropriate for your destination and try not to take extras “just in case”. Use a suitcase with wheels, and make sure your carry-on bag contains everything you will need for the duration of the flight: your medication (painkillers and allergy pills), passport, credit cards, spare pair of glasses and band-aids.

Carry your contact details on you
This is possibly the most important thing to do. Ensure you carry the essential contact details relevant to your trip with you at all times. From the contact of your medical doctor, to the contact of the hotel you would be lodging in or host at the place you would be staying, and the contact details of your country’s embassy, keep them in your phone and in an address book or sheet of paper you can carry on you. This comes in very handy in case of emergencies.

Organise travel insurance
No senior wants to get trapped in a dilemma while on a trip with no clue on how to get out of the situation . Travel Insurance ensures that that risk is covered. It is no secret that the older you get, the clumsier you become, and seniors are prone to getting sick, falling and hurting themselves, or needing extra medication while on a trip, especially if they are delayed. It is essential that they obtain health insurance to cover emergency medical treatment and possible medical evacuation. A couple of companies in Nigeria offer short-term health and emergency assistance policies to cover healthcare expenses , patronize them or ensure your travel agent makes the arrangement before you set off.

Avoid travelling around at night
Night travelling can be very tasking as well as risky, and is certainly not advisable for seniors who are keen on having a safe trip. Mid-morning or early afternoon are preferable as they get the chance to actively experience the trip and they also can stay alert and sharp enough to watch over their luggage, take note of announcements and keep their contact at home updated on their trip.

Keep your contacts updated
The importance of keeping your contacts in the loop while travelling as a senior citizen cannot be over emphasized. Ensure you have a fully charged phone and you have extra batteries in case it runs out. Call home and let them know every stop you make and if there is any new development, also let them what actions you would be taking to counter the development. This makes it easier for them to help out in the case of emergence

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