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Tuesday 22 July 2014

Sharo/Shadi Festival

The Fulani culture presents a complex system, involving age-old
initiations. The most important is the Sharo or Shadi (flogging
meeting), believed to have originated among the Jaful Fulani, whose
ranks are still considered the finest. During the Sharo festival,
bare-chested contestants, usually unmarried men, come to the center
ring, escorted by beautiful girls.

The crowd erupts in thunderous cheers and drumming. After some time, a
challenger, also bare-chested, comes out brandishing a whip, trying to
frighten his opponent.

The festival proceeds with lively drumming, singing, cheers and
self-praises from both competitors and challengers. When the
excitement is at a fevered pitch, it is the time for flogging.

The challenger raises his whip and flogs his opponent. His opponent
must endure this without wincing or showing pain, lest he be branded a

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